Bra Caps

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Bra Caps


Premium Iron-on Bra Patches

Bra Caps are a way to get more wear out of your favorite bras. Whether you didn't properly wash your bra or wore the bra far too often, Bra Caps let you enjoy wearing them again by covering the painful underwire poking through. Extending the lifecycle of your delicates and helping to reduce textile waste.

Bra Caps is a permanent solution. Each pack comes with 3 pieces (black, nude, white)

DO NOT REMOVE the backing on the Bra Caps

  1. Push the wire back into the bra

  2. Fold over the exposed underwire

  3. Lay it flat and apply a low to medium heat iron over the Bra Cap

  4. Hold for 5 seconds

  5. Repeat on the other side

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